Tuesday, April 22, 2014

True Love Confessions

The Perfect Boyfriend: He would scream ILOVEYOU down the halls not caring who heard him. He’d go on a walk with me even when its freezing cold outside with hot choco on one hand and my hand on the other. He’ll sing songs for me even if I call him crazy for doing it. He’ll force me to sing aloud without calling me retarded. He’ll sit with me outside our garden because he has nothing to do and he won’t tell me he’s bored. He’ll make me look like crap by wearing his sweatshirt but still calls me beautiful. He’ll write me a thousands of notes at school everyday. He’ll call me every morning just to wake me up. He’ll take me to the park and push me to the swings. He still cares even when he’s mad. He listens to all my stories even it 2 in the morning. He isn’t late in all our dates. He makes me meet all the special people in his life including his friends. He stays up all night just to talk with me. He stays all night just to make sure I sleep well. A perfect boyfriend will always have Christ as the center of our relationship. And that makes it almost perfect.<3

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